
August 17, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — complain2me @ 9:53 am

My dear readers, after much thought and contemplation after getting sloppy service and mediocre goods from assorted sellers, some of whom claim to be the best of the pack, i realised that we need to come out and literally turn the tide against this charlatans. Otherwise how does one explain a lack of a consumer agency to fight arbitrary price rises, sloppy or non existant customer service?

In this category dear readers are shops, dukas, grocers, supermarkets, government agencies, politicians and anyone and everybody who is tasked by virtue of being in business, to serve the public but deals with them , us, like we are scum yet we pay fro the services and goods they are dealing with.

This is the place to rise against them, slowly but surely. For i have a dream that we are going to ensure that we only get the best from them otherwise they close shop.

And this is how you are going to do it easily:

  1. Create a comment to this post.
  2. Let the subject/topic/title be the company/individual but the company name is much better in this case.
  3. Post the complaint – (get your facts right about the person/company/product/attendant and any other relevant info.)
  4. Be as brief, detailed and to the point as possible.
  5. If you have the contacts of the culprit, post them as well as how they can get in touch with you so that we can try to get in touch with them and get their attention to your complaint.
  6. If you have evidence, photos, documents, just send them over to our mail address: complaintome at gmail dot com
  7. The rest, you leave to us.

With time, its my dream that we can grow to a formidable website that will fight for the consumer interest and ensure that we get the best.

In any case, i believe that we sincerely deserve it for we aren’t on a witch-hunt mission.


complaintome at gmail dot com

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